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What's On My Needles? WIP Tour — Februrary 2014

Every once in awhile I do a post about what I'm working on, and it was a real trip to go through some old posts! LEFT:  On My Needles Tour -- August 2014  // RIGHT:  On My Needles Tour -- Spring 2014 Holy moly how many WIPs was that at a time?! I'm still a prolific knitter but don't get a chance to blog about most of my projects. I just scrolled through my Ravelry  and stopped counting after finding over 60 sweaters that I had never blogged about! When I made a choice a few weeks ago to blog again, I instantly got that heavy, overwhelmed feeling that there was so much that I didn't know where to start. But a life-saving commenter said, "Don't worry about the past. We want to know what you're doing now!" Ok,  that I can do. I'm impressed with myself actually, as I only have 3 knitting projects going on right now NOT counting those pesky hibernating projects that watch you from the corner of the room 👀. PROJECT 1:  Iris  by Quail Studio, from the ...

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