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What's On My Needles? WIP Tour — Februrary 2014

Every once in awhile I do a post about what I'm working on, and it was a real trip to go through some old posts!

LEFT: On My Needles Tour -- August 2014 // RIGHT: On My Needles Tour -- Spring 2014

Holy moly how many WIPs was that at a time?! I'm still a prolific knitter but don't get a chance to blog about most of my projects. I just scrolled through my Ravelry and stopped counting after finding over 60 sweaters that I had never blogged about!

When I made a choice a few weeks ago to blog again, I instantly got that heavy, overwhelmed feeling that there was so much that I didn't know where to start. But a life-saving commenter said, "Don't worry about the past. We want to know what you're doing now!" Ok, that I can do.

I'm impressed with myself actually, as I only have 3 knitting projects going on right now NOT counting those pesky hibernating projects that watch you from the corner of the room 👀.

PROJECT 1: Iris by Quail Studio, from the Rowan book "Edition Two"

You can always count on me to pick the most laborious pattern in a magazine! This is a beautiful, surprisingly long cabled dress, made by holding Rowan Alpaca Soft DK and Kidsilk Haze together. I was a little alarmed at first because I ordered from a digital shade card and was surprised when the KSH was much more blue than green. 

Somehow, though, it makes a very interesting fabric, almost like how a peacock feather is green then blue, depending on the way the light hits it.

I started it in October of 2023 and just finished this back piece. Actually, this "Edition Two" project has been going on so long that Rowan is about to release an "Edition Four" book on March 14!

I was *this* close to frogging it 1/3 of the way through but my knitting group friend frowned when I threatened it, so I decided to persevere. (Thanks, Jen!) Looking at the slimmer-than-I-want sizing, I'll be doing a classic enlarging trick of mine, to do the front in one size larger.

Obviously, many people wouldn't undertake such a time-consuming garment. If you are looking for a little less cable-y commitment, these other designs in the book are quite beautiful!

LEFT: Rosehill pullover // RIGHT: Kate cardigan

Let's see how things go, but it may be 2 years before I can blog this one as finished! 😅

PROJECT 2: Dressy by Anny Blatt

I always have an Anny Blatt design on my needles, always! I just love their older designs and regularly hoard all of their different textured yarns off Ebay. Here are two that I've blogged about:

LEFT: The Old Anny Blatt -- and the New! // Right: Pomona jacket by Anny Blatt

Dressy is a classic Anny Blatt pattern that uses 4 very differently textured yarns to accomplish a Chanel-like tweed fabric.

FROM LEFT: Victoria riboon, Muguet metallic eyelash, Gyp's Anny gold thread, Merinos wool

This fabric-like look is almost always created by slipped stitches and some kind of riff on garter stitch. In this case it is quite simple:
  1. Ribbon (RS): (K3, slip 1 wyib, K3) to end.
  2. Ribbon: (K3, slip 1 wyif, K3) to end.
  3. Eyelash: K1 (slip 1 wyib, K3) to end.
  4. Eyelash: K1 (slip 1 wyif, K3) to end.
  5. Metallic + wool: (K3, slip 1 wyib, K3) to end.
  6. Ribbon: (K3, slip 1 wyif, K3) to end.
  7. Repeat!
People ask me if it is scratchy, but the metallic eyelash is very soft.

I am a tad concerned about the rolling stockinette edging that runs along the whole garment and sleeves, which is never my favorite finish. However, looking closely, I see that the rolling gets bound by barber pole stripes of ribbon. I'm very curious to see how that comes out! I have one sleeve almost done, so this little bolero will be ready soon.

Now, should you be interested in making any Anny Blatt design and are willing to only have the French instructions available, you can download many of the books at L&N. The Dressy pattern is from one of Anny Blatt's VERY best magazines, No. 217 (yes, the cover says No. 207 but it was a typography error). The .pdf is only 2 euros!

PROJECT 3: Kooch by Sarah Hatton from Rowan Magazine 38

Rowan Magazine 38 launched my knitting journey when it was published 20 years ago. I saw it on a shelf at a yarn store and couldn't believe what was possible out of moving two hands. I like to say that I auspiciously broke my leg that year, because it gave me two full weeks of convalescence to take on this epic Kaffe Fassett sweater, Brocade.

I picked the mag back up in the bathtub a few weeks ago and suddenly Kooch caught my eye. The funny thing is that I had never chosen it before. It's like when you try out a new album and play the same song over and over. Then, one day you tire and listen to the rest more closely, and realize that there are other songs you like even more!

This is the 3rd WIP of mine that that holds yarns together. Originally it called for Yorkshire Tweed 4-ply held with DK. Funnily enough, I had bought the 4-ply yarn for the design Tara but frogged it when the stitch pattern became too cumbersome.

I had that same lavender and a thicker Jaeger Luxury Tweed in a very similar color.

To my total surprise, the back piece had me cast-on two separate pieces! There is no picture of the back in the magazine, nor is there any indication in the schematic, but there is a back vent lined in moss stitch. To create it, you link the two sides with extra-cast on stitches that pick up off of later for the trim.

Interestingly, the back currently looks like a pair of soakers for a baby! 😂

This garment is knit on size 9 needles, so while it is a big cardigan with a lot of elements, I expect it will not take that long.

And that's the end of what is on my needles, but not what's in my head! I met recently with Rowan, who I still have an affiliate relationship with, and saw a preview of the new magazines launching on March 14. I definitely have plans, and I will be telling you about them!

Dayana Knits

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  1. Only you would choose a Kaffe Fassett as your first project! You are an inspiration!

    1. Thank you!! It wasn't my VERY first because I did have to learn how to knit. I made a hat out of two squares and a rectangle that sewed into a cape. But THEN I was off to the races :D.

  2. So glad you are back at it. Everything you do is such a treat to see! Elaine

    1. Elaine, it's so great to hear from you! Thanks for still coming by after all this time. :D

  3. Another blog post, I am so happy! Your knitting projects are always amazing. Love the color on the first dress. It's probably even more beautiful in rl 💜

    1. Yay, I'm glad to hear you like the posts AND the knitting! Let me tell you, it's impossible to photograph. I have to change the color temperature levers for each photo to try to get to what my eyes see...

  4. Super glad to have you back and excited to hear what you are working on these days. I always have a handful of WIPs that I'm working on. Sometimes I'm knitting, sometimes I'm crocheting. Keeps the variety going. Looking forward to seeing your always inspiring projects. :)

    1. That is the "off" thing here... I am missing a crochet project! I have one from Rowan in my mind... a sleeveless dress with granny squares. Always a pleasure to hear from you Rita. MWAH

  5. Hi Dayana so great to hear from you and to inspire us. I will definitely knit the cabled dress IRIS and I do have Rowan 38!! Looking forward to your next instalment!!


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